Electrical and Electronics Engineering

About Department

The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, established in the year 2008, has been well structured. The department is running with well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty. All faculty are with minimum M.Tech qualification to fulfill the aspirations of student community.

It is offering B.Tech. (EEE)  programme with an annual intake of 66 and providing outstanding facilities for all the students to learn innovative technologies.

The department has exclusive departmental library with large number of titles and volumes. The library has Intranet/Internet facilities to access AUTOLIB , OPAC , NPTEL and online journals.

The department has a student forum EEA (Electrical Engineers Association) and IE-I (Institution of Engineers – India), a professional students chapter for conducting career developing inter-personal and intra-personal skills of students. It organizes Seminars, Quiz Programmes, Industrial Visits, Paper Contests, Group Discussions, Guest Lectures, Career Guidance, and Games etc under its auspices.

As a part of the curriculum, Industrial visits are arranged for students to upgrade their skill and knowledge. Our EEE students also actively participated in paper presentation contest organized at various Engineering Colleges and Universities. Some of them have been awarded in these Paper presentation contests.

The department is having full-fledged laboratories to meet the requirements of curriculum. The department is also having projects and R&D lab with 10 systems running with updated software.

The department is having the following well equipped laboratories

  • Electrical Machines & Power Systems
  • Electrical Circuits & Measurements
  • Control Systems & Power Electronics
  • Electrical networks & Simulation
  • Projects and R&D lab

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department offers following courses:

Program Course Intake
Under Graduate(B.Tech) Electrical & Electronics Engineering 66
Diploma (DEEE) Electrical & Electronics Engineering 66



  • To make the department as a hub of technological excellence, transforming the future Electrical Engineers into innovative, ethical and responsible professionals


  • DM1  Adopting effective result oriented techniques that deliver quality education in a learning environment striving to enhance the intellectual capabilities and skills of the learners.
  • DM2  Providing adequate infrastructure for technical skill development and encourage research in order to meet Industrial demands.
  • DM3 Promoting industry interface and exposure,positive values of integrity,ecological awareness,and societal accountability among the Engineering aspirants.
  • DM4  Empowering undergraduates, guiding them towards bright professional prospects through personality development and life skill-based activities.

Academic Regulations

RG_23 GIST-Academic-Regulations

RG_22 GIST-Academic-Regulations


R19 Academic Regulations

R15 Academic Regulations

R13 Academic Regulations

Promotion Rules:

Promotion rules of B.Tech for the academic year 2013

Promotion rules of B.Tech for the academic year 2014

Promotion rules of B.Tech for the academic year 2016

Academic Regulations:

All the Principals of affiliated colleges of JNTUA.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub:- JNTUA-DAPO-Technical Seminar-Comprehensive Viva-Voce-Marks awarded-Reg.

It is to inform you that course structure and syllabi of R13 regulations are revised for III and IV year of  B.Tech and B. Pharmacy courses in the  year 2015. According to new course structure for B.Tech stream, only Technical Seminar has been introduced in place of Seminar and Comprehensive Viva-Voce in the B.Tech IV year II Semester Course Structure for 2 credits.

In case of B. Pharmacy stream only Comprehensive Viva-Voce has been introduced instead of Seminar and Comprehensive Viva-Voce in the B. Pharmacy IV year II Semester Course Structure for 3 credits.

In this context, the following marks are awarded for Technical Seminar and Comprehensive Viva-Voce separately.

  1. Technical Seminar shall be evaluated for total 50 Marks(for B.Tech stream only).
  2. Comprehensive Viva-Voce shall be evaluated for total 100 Marks(for B. Pharmacy stream only).

Further, it is to be noted that the third paragraph of serial number/point 4.8 of original R13 Regulations is modified as follows:

B.Tech Stream:

 A student shall acquire 2 credits assigned to the Technical Seminar only when he/she secure 40% or more marks for the total 50 marks. In case, if a student fails in Technical Seminar he/she shall reappear as and when IV/II supplementary examinations are conducted.

Pharmacy Stream:

A student shall acquire 3 credits assigned to the Comprehensive Viva-Voce only when he/she secure 40% or more marks for the total 100 marks. In case, if a student fails in Comprehensive Viva-Voice, he/she shall reappear as and when IV/II supplementary examinations are conducted.

For any clarification please contact: Director, Academic & Planning, JNTUA @ 9000551418.

B.Tech R13 _ Academic Regulations

Substitute Subjects:

Finalization of Substitute Subjects for B. Tech Re_admitted Students in the A.Y 2015_16 III B.Tech _II Semester

Department Calendar

Calendar of Events AY 2023-2024 even sem– view

Calendar of Events AY 2023-2024 odd sem– view

Calendar of Events AY 2022-2023 even sem– view

Calendar of Events AY 2022-2023 odd sem– view

Calendar of Events AY 2021-2022 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2020-2021 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2019-2020 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2018-2019 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2017-2018 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2016-2017 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2015-2016 – view

Calendar of Events AY 2014-2015 – view


GUEST LECTURE AY 2022 – 2023

GUEST LECTURE AY 2020 – 2021

Workshops 2023-24

Workshops 2022-23

Workshops 2021-22

Research publications Journals 2021-2023



journals 23-24

JOURNALS 2023-24.

fdp attended faculty 2021-2022

NPTEL LIST 2022-2023


faculty book publications

EEE Research publications Conferences 

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Planned – view

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Organized – view

Faculty Development Programs (FDP) – Attended-External – view

Faculty Development Programs (FDP) – Attended-Internal – view

Webinars , Conferences , Seminars and Workshops attended – view

Ph.Ds Awarded – view

Ph.Ds Enrolled – view

NPTEL Certificates – view

Professional Society Memberships – view

Research publications Conferences– view

Research publications Journals – view

Patents – view

Book chapters – view

BOS & Editorial Board Members – view

Professional Societies

524137-GIST-EE-CERTIFICATE-2023-24List of Faculty as Professional body members

IE(I) – view




Control Systems Lab

Electrical circuits and Networks Analysis Lab

Electrical Machines-I

Electrical Machines-II

Electrical Measurements Lab

Power Electronics Lab


Department Library

Departmental library of Electrical and Electronics Engineering occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. Department has a rich & vast collection of more than  180 reference books which covers complete syllabus of UG in Electrical and Electronics Engineering as well as competitive examinations such as GATE, UPSC etc.. The department library also contains major project reports and technical seminar reports which helps the student to enhance their knowledge and skills. Most of the books are of recent edition with the facility of issuing these for a specified time period. The library serves to provide a calm and cozy ambience conductive to long hours of study. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading.  The library opens on all working days of the institute from 9 AM to 5:30 PM.

Number of Books Available in Department Library : 427






MOU’s – view

APSSDC – view

HIEE- view

sv tech- view

tcc globel- view

weber india- view

Certificate Courses

Academic Year Certificate Program No: of Students
2018-2019 Spoken Tutorial (IIT Bombay FOSS)- PYTHON 14
APSCHE- British Council 1
2017-2018 APSCHE- British Council 26
IIT BOMBAY- College to Corporate 11
2016-2017 Spoken Tutorial (IIT Bombay FOSS)- C 13
Spoken Tutorial (IIT Bombay FOSS)- Java 18
2015-2016 Nil Nil
2014-2015 Nil Nil


Internships Organised for-AY-2023-24 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2023-24 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2022-23 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2021-22 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2020-21 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2018-19 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2017-18 – view

Industrial Visit Details AY 2023-24 – view

Industrial Visit Details AY 2022-23 – view

Industrial Visit Details AY 2021-22 – view




1 2008-12 082U1A0204 MEDA BHARGAVI 82.86
2 2009-13 092U1A0251 VINEELA EDALA 84.73
3 2010-14 102U1A0252 T.SRINIVASULU 81.82
4 2011-15 112U1A0227 SINGAM PAVANI 80.48
5 2012-16 122U1A0205 DHAVALA LAKSHMIDEVI 78.30
6 2013-17 132U1A0229 NAIDU BHAVYA 85.00
7 2014-18 142U1A0228 PULAPAKALA PRABANDA 79.15
8 2015-19 152U1A0229 PATETI SAI SASIDHAR 8.77
10 2017-21 172U1A0250 SYED FOWZIA 8.75
11 2018-22 182U1A0203 ARAVA PAVITHRA 8.94
12 2019-23 192U1A0215 KAKUMANU NISHITHA 8.96


University Awards

1 2013-17 132U1A0229 NAIDU BHAVYA 85.00 Prathibha Award by AP GOVT
2 2019-23 192U1A0206 CHITLURI LEELA DEEPAK 8.91  

JNTUA Gold Medalist

Students List

2023-24 II SEM – view

2023-24 I SEM – view

2022-23 II SEM – view

2022-23 I SEM – view

2021-22 II SEM – view

2021-22 I SEM – view

2020-21 II SEM – view

2020-21   I SEM – view

Innovative Teaching Methods



Teaching methods – 2020-21 – view

Teaching methods – 2019-20 – view

Teaching methods – 2018-19 – view


Dr. T. RAVI Kumar M.Tech, Ph.D.
Professor & HoD of EEE,
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology
Contact: +91-9133076655
Email: eeehod@gist.edu.in


Exit Feedback – view

Faculty Feedback – view