The overall aim of National Service Scheme is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The reason for the formulation of this objective is the general realization that the college students have a tendency to get alienated from the village/slum masses which constitute the majority of the population of the country. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception.
The broad objectives of NSS are to:
- Understand the community in which they work
- Understand themselves in relation to their community;
- Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;
- Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;
- Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems;
- Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities;
- Gain skills in mobilizing community participation;
- Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;
- Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
- Practice national integration and social harmony.
The Motto
The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is: ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.
The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had recognized that the country could not progress in a desired direction until the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/community. For Gandhiji the villages, where majority of the population lived, represent the country i.e. India. Therefore, for the national reconstruction and national resurgence it was deemed fit that the students and teachers should be properly sensitized and utilized for strengthening the Indian society as a whole with particular emphasis on rural community. Therefore, student youth, teachers and the community are considered the three basic components of the National Service Scheme.
- One room for the students and faculty members to discuss about the activities.
- Conference hall for conducting meetings.
- Seminar hall for awareness programmes.
- Auditorium for various programmes.
- Two notices boards are available to the both sides of the room for pasting / keeping circulars, updating the event photos, press clippings, Year Planners etc.,
- Posters of previous activities pasted on the wall of the room.
- Having a good number of chairs and space to discuss / conduct the committee meetings.
- Motivational posters and images of philanthropists to encourage the students for social service.
Roles & Responsibilities of Coordinator
- He/she will plan the NSS regular activities and special camping programme as Programme guidelines issued by the Government of India and Programme Coordinator of the concerned university.
- The Programme officer will ensure that NSS volunteers complete the prescribed hours in regular activities and participate in special camping programme as per requirements. The orientation of the NSS volunteers should be conducted in a befitting manner and 20 hours should be devoted to orient the NSS volunteers.
- He/she will divide the NSS unit into different groups and assign the definite task and targets and projects to each group.
- He/she will supervise the working of NSS volunteers.
- He/she will ensure that the basic aims of NSS Programme i.e. personality development of NSS volunteers, interaction of the different classes of society take place harmoniously and the NSS volunteers and community are benefited from the activities of NSS unit.
- He/she will maintain the necessary records and registers prescribed by Government of India and Programme Coordinator of the university.
- He/she will be responsible for the equipment and stores purchased out of NSS funds. He/she will hand over the charge of NSS equipment and stores to his/her successor at the end of his/her tenure.
- He/she will spend the NSS grants as per administrative and financial directives of the Government of India and NSS Programme Coordinator.
- He/she will depute NSS volunteers for participation in various programmes sponsored by the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India such as National Integration Camps, Adventure Programmes, Republic Day Parade and any other function organized by the NSS Regional Centre and concerned University.
- He/she will submit the reports to the NSS Regional Centre periodically, Programme Coordinator, NSS State Liaison Officer and TORC/TOC.
- He/she will ensure the submission of accounts in time. The accounts may be got audited from a chartered accountant or departmental auditor along with the utilization certificate.
- He/she will liaise with the officials of the department for NSS projects and activities. He/she will also coordinate with the voluntary organizations working in the field of community development in general and youth work in particular.
- He/she will convene the meeting of the college advisory committee in consultation with the Principal of the institution
Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty Members
- To prepare orientation programme for NSS volunteers, explain them about the concept of social service, and teach them methods and skills required for achieving the objectives of the scheme;
- To promote community education through meetings, talks, news bulletins discussions etc.; and
- To help in formulating NSS programmes which will have direct relationship with the academic curricula.
Roles & Responsibilities of Student Members
- Understand the community in which they work
- Understand themselves in relation to their community
- Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
- Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
- Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
NSS Committee member 2023-24 - view
S. No. |
Name | Designation & Department |
Position |
1 | Prof Dr. K. Sundeep Kumar | Principal | Chairman, NSS |
2 | Mr. Murali Krishna Yantrapati | Asst. Professor, ME | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | Mr. P. Mahesh | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
4 | Mr. Sk. Habeeb Basha | Asst. Professor, CE | Member |
5 | Mr. Rama Moorthy | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
6 | Mr. P.Naga Kondaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
7 | Ms. P. Suda | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
12 | Ms. Pamujula Roja | 202U1A0119 | Student Member |
13 | Mr. Mitta Avinash | 202U1A0559 | Student Member |
14 | Mr. Gundeboina Hemanth Yadav | 202U1A3317 | Student Member |
15 | Mr. D Vamsi Reddy | 202U1A0208 | Student Member |
16 | Ms. Chiruvella Manasa | 202U1A0429 | Student Member |
17 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Kalam | 212U5A0326 | Student Member |
18 | Mr. Ch Santosh | 202U1A0304 | Student Member |
19 | Mr. A Jaya Sai Koushik Reddy | 192U1A0502 | Student Member |
20 | Mr. K Sai Abhinav | 192U1A0472 | Student Member |
21 | Mr. Kaliki Ratna Swaroop | 192U1A0216 | Student Member |
22 | Ms. Kotakonda Gowthami | 192U1A0217 | Student Member |
23 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Hafeez | 202U5A0314 | Student Member |
S.No. |
Name | Designation & Department |
Position |
1 | Prof Dr. G. Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman, NSS |
2 | Mr. Murali Krishna Yantrapati | Asst. Professor, ME | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | Mr. T.Sunil Kumar | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
4 | Mr. K. Venkateswarlu | Asst. Professor, CE | Member |
5 | Ms. P. Chandrakala | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
6 | Mr. P.Naga Kondaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
7 | Dr. Sk. Nayab Rasool | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
12 | Ms. Gurram Pragathi | 192U1A0110 | Student Member |
13 | Ms. Pydala Niharika | 192U1A0124 | Student Member |
14 | Mr. Dasari Ravindra Babu | 192U1A0526 | Student Member |
15 | Mr. I Shanmukha Pranav | 192U1A0544 | Student Member |
16 | Ms. Pabbathi Divya Deepika | 192U1A0577 | Student Member |
17 | Mr. Krishnamaneni Srikanth | 192U1A0218 | Student Member |
18 | Mr. K Balatri Kamal | 192U1A0308 | Student Member |
19 | Mr. A Jaya Sai Koushik Reddy | 192U1A0502 | Student Member |
20 | Mr. K Sai Abhinav | 192U1A0472 | Student Member |
21 | Mr. Kaliki Ratna Swaroop | 192U1A0216 | Student Member |
22 | Ms. Kotakonda Gowthami | 192U1A0217 | Student Member |
23 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Hafeez | 202U5A0314 | Student Member |
S.NO |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Y. Murali Krishna | Asst. Prof, ME | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | Mr. P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Prof, S&H | Member |
4 | Dr.Sk. Nayab Rasool | Asst. Prof, S&H | Member |
5 | Mr. G. Naga Kondaiah | Asst. Prof, EEE | Member |
6 | Mr. K. Rama Krishna | Asst. Prof, ME | Member |
7 | Mr. T. Sunil Kumar | Asst. Prof, ECE | Member |
8 | Ms. C. Durga Tejaswi | Asst. Prof, ECE | Member |
9 | Ms. P, Chandrakala | Asst. Prof, CSE | Member |
10 | Ms. P. Kartheek | Asst. Prof, CE | Member |
11 | Mr P. Amzath Khan | Asst. Prof, CE | Member |
12 | Mr. B. Karthik | III CSE | Student Member |
13 | Ms. P. Rajeswari | III CSE | Student Member |
14 | Ms. P. Ruchitha | III CSE | Student Member |
15 | Ms. G. Tejaswani | III CE | Student Member |
16 | Mr. Sk. Noor Ahamed | III CE | Student Member |
17 | Mr. K. Lohith | III EEE | Student Member |
18 | Mr. M. Vivek | III EEE | Student Member |
19 | Mr. A. Sasi Kumar | III ME | Student Member |
20 | Mr. G. Uday Kumar | III ME | Student Member |
21 | Mr. G. Sumanth Kumar | III ECE | Student Member |
22 | Ms. K. Supriya | III ECE | Student Member |
23 | Ms. P. Deepika | III ECE | Student Member |
S.NO |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman, NSS |
2 | Murali Krishna Yantrapati | Asst. Professor, ME | Convener |
3 | Dr.Sk. Nayab Rasool | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Naga Kondaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | P. Sai Gowtham | Asst. Professor, ME | Member |
7 | M. Suhasini | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | C. Durga Tejaswi | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | Sk.Dilkusha | Asst. Professor, CE | Member |
11 | P. Amzath Khan | Asst. Professor, CE | Member |
12 | Panga Naveen Kumar Reddy | 172U1A0538 | Student Member |
13 | Pellakuru Divya | 172U1A0540 | Student Member |
14 | Sriram Lohitha | 172U1A0551 | Student Member |
15 | Lekkala Mahendra | 172U1A0126 | Student Member |
16 | Shaik Khadar Basha | 172U1A0137 | Student Member |
17 | Asam Nandini | 172U1A0204 | Student Member |
18 | Bommineni Anil Kumar | 172U1A0206 | Student Member |
19 | Gali Prasanth | 172U1A0306 | Student Member |
20 | Kavali Chakradhar | 172U1A0314 | Student Member |
21 | Challa Naveen | 172U1A0412 | Student Member |
22 | Bala Saivenkatesh | 172U1A0471 | Student Member |
23 | Beri Sundeep Kumar | 172U1A04D2 | Student Member |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Mahesh Kumar Mulakala | Asst. Professor, ECE | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | Dr. M. Ganapathy | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Subbaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | M. V. Hareesh | Asst. Professor, Mech | Member |
7 | M. Suhasini | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | C. Durga Tejaswi | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | Md Warris | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
11 | Y. Lakshmi Teja | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
12 | D Sreenivasulu | 162U1A0118 | Student Member |
13 | K Anil | 162U1A0213 | Student Member |
14 | A Sai Krishna | 162U1A0302 | Student Member |
15 | D Jeevana | 162U1A0426 | Student Member |
16 | CbAmarnadh | 162U1A0422 | Student Member |
17 | P Jahnavi | 162U1A0573 | Student Member |
18 | Ch.Aparna | 162U1A0573 | Student Member |
19 | M.Hemanadh | 162U1A0204 | Student Member |
20 | G.Siva Kumar | 162U1A0451 | Student Member |
21 | P.Brahmaiah | 162U1A04C9 | Student Member |
22 | A.Rishitha | 162U1A0501 | Student Member |
23 | T.S.S.S.Madhav | 162U1A05A7 | Student Member |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Mahesh Kumar Mulakala | Asst. Professor, ECE | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | Dr. M. Ganapathy | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Subbaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | M. V. Hareesh | Asst. Professor, Mech | Member |
7 | M. Suhasini | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | M. Siva Krishna | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | V Prathima | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
11 | P Chandra kala | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
12 | K Vinodh | 152U1A0144 | Student Member |
13 | B Venkata Chakradhar | 152U1A0204 | Student Member |
14 | V Karthik | 152U1A0354 | Student Member |
15 | M Venkata Ramana | 152U1A04E9 | Student Member |
16 | R Venkata Narayana Kumar | 152U1A04B6 | Student Member |
17 | K Vinod Kumar Reddy | 152U1A0539 | Student Member |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Mahesh Kumar Mulakala | Asst. Professor, ECE | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | U. Venu Gopal | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Subbaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | Ch Mani Kiran | Asst. Professor, Mech | Member |
7 | SKM E Shahina | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | T. Chiranjeevi | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | V Prathima | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
11 | SkMymoon | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
12 | D Karthik | 142U1A0107 | Student Member |
13 | P Jayasurya | 142U1A0227 | Student Member |
14 | A Surya Bhargav | 142U1A0302 | Student Member |
15 | K Pradhyumna Kumar | 142U1A0439 | Student Member |
16 | M Vamsi | 142U1A0451 | Student Member |
17 | T Harshavardhan | 142U1A0569 | Student Member |
18 | Ch.Aparna | 162U1A0573 | Student Member |
19 | M.Hemanadh | 162U1A0204 | Student Member |
20 | G.Siva Kumar | 162U1A0451 | Student Member |
21 | P.Brahmaiah | 162U1A04C9 | Student Member |
22 | A.Rishitha | 162U1A0501 | Student Member |
23 | T.S.S.S.Madhav | 162U1A05A7 | Student Member |
S.NO |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman, NSS |
2 | Mahesh Kumar Mulakala | Asst. Professor, ECE | Programme Officer & Convener |
3 | U. Venu Gopal | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Subbaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | Ch Mani Kiran | Asst. Professor, Mech | Member |
7 | SKM E Shahina | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | T. Chiranjeevi | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | V Prathima | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
11 | Y Sundeep Reddy | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
12 | D Hemanth Reddy | 132U1A0111 | Student Member |
13 | Naidu Bhavya | 132U1A0229 | Student Member |
14 | P Vamsi | 132U1A0340 | Student Member |
15 | P Suman Srikanth | 132U1A0491 | Student Member |
16 | K Sudheer | 132U1A0457 | Student Member |
17 | A Swapna | 132U1A0501 | Student Member |
1 | Prof Dr. G Subba Rao | Principal | Chairman, NSS |
2 | P. Ranjith Krishna | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member Secretary |
3 | U. Venu Gopal | Assoc. Professor, S&H | Member |
4 | P. Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor, S&H | Member |
5 | G. Subbaiah | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
6 | Ch Mani Kiran | Asst. Professor, Mech | Member |
7 | SK M E Shahina | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
8 | T. Chiranjeevi | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
9 | N. Siva Naga Mani | Assoc. Professor, CSE | Member |
10 | V Prathima | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
11 | Y Sundeep Reddy | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
12 | B Hari Narayana | 122U1A0111 | Student Member |
13 | K Pramod | 122U1A0213 | Student Member |
14 | K Sai Teja | 122U1A0325 | Student Member |
15 | C Yella Reddy | 122U1A0418 | Student Member |
16 | K V Sai Kiran | 122U1A0474 | Student Member |
17 | D Bhavani | 122U1A0512 | Student Member |
Events Organised for AY-2023-24
Events Organised for AY-2022-23
Events Organised for AY-2021-22
Events Organised for AY-2021-22
Events Organised for AY-2019-20
Events Organised for AY-2019-20
Events Organised for AY-2020-21
Events Organised for AY-2019-20
Events Organised for AY-2018-19
Events Organised for AY-2017-18
Events Organised for AY-2016-17
Events attended ay 2023-24 - view
Events attended ay 2022-23 - view
Events Attended for AY- 2021-22
S.No | Name of the participant | Name of the event | Event Title | Prize/Award |
1 | Ms. Chinthalapudi Sai Preethi | National Level Essay Writing Competition | Environment and Sustainability | Merit |
2 | Ms. S.Shamitha | District Level Essay competition | Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative | First |
3 | Mr. A. Bhanu Teja | District Level Essay competition | Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative | Second |
4 | Mr. P. Mourya Vardhan | District Level Essay competition | Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative | Third |
Events Attended for AY- 2018-19
S.No | Name of the participant | Name of the event | Event Title | Prize/Award |
1 | T.Anil Kumar | JNTUA GNANABHERI | Patriotic poem | First |
2 | V.AdbudthaTeja | JNTUA GNANABHERI | Elocution | First |
3 | G.R.Susmitha | JNTUA GNANABHERI | Rangoli | First |
4 | S.Devi | JNTUA GNANABHERI | Solo Singing | First |
5 | P.Amrutha Varshini | JNTUA GNANABHERI | Quiz | First |
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2023-24 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2022-23 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2021-22 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2020-21 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2019-20 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2018-19 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2017-18 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2016-17 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2015-16 - view
Events Organized during the Academic Year 2014-15 - view
List of awards and recognition’s received for extension activities from government/ recognized bodies
Certificate of Award of District Level Essay Writing Competition AY 2024-25 – view
Certificate of Merit 2024- view
Best Motivator Award 2023-2024- view
Best Motivational Award – view
Appreciation Certificate – view
IRCS Certificate – view
Awards E-copies – view
AY 2023-24
S.No | Name of the Activity | Name of the Award/Recognition | Name of the Awarding government/ recognized bodies | Year of award |
1 | Voluntary Blood Donation Camp | Best Motivator Award | Indian Red Cross Society | 2023 |
AY : 2022-2023
S.No | Name of the Activity | Name of the Award/Recognition | Name of the Awarding government/ recognized bodies | Year of award |
1 | Voluntary Blood Donation Camp | Best Motivator Award | Indian Red Cross Society | 2022 |
AY : 2021-2022
S.No | Name of the Activity | Name of the Award/Recognition | Name of the Awarding government/ recognized bodies | Year of award |
1 | Heartfulness Essay Event | Certificate of Appreciation | Heartfulness Education Trust | 2021 |
2 | Voluntary Blood Donation Camp | Certificate of Appreciation | Indian Red Cross Society | 2022 |
S.No | Name of the activity | Name of the Award/ recognition | Name of the Awarding government/ recognized bodies | Year of award |
AY:2018-19 | ||||
1. | JRC/YCR District Awards | Best Institution Award | Indian Red Cross Society | 2019 |
2. | Cloud Literacy Day | State Cloud Champion | ICT-Academy | 2018 |
3. | Donation for Kerala Floods | Kerala Floods-CM Relief Fund | Kerala CM Relief Fund | 2018 |
AY:2017-18 | ||||
4. | Impact 2017 | Impact | Lions Club of Pinakini,Nellore | 2017 |
AY:2016-17 | ||||
5. | National Swacha Blood Donation Mahostavam | Appreciation | Indian Red Cross Society | Oct,2016 |
6. | National Swacha Blood Donation Mahostavam, | Appreciation | Indian Red Cross Society | June,2016 |
AY:2015-16 | ||||
Nil | ||||
AY:2014-15 | ||||
7. | 22nd AP State Level National Children Science Congress | Appreciation and Contribution | AP State Council of Science and Technology | 2014 |
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2023-2024 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2022-2023 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2021-2022 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2020-2021 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2019-2020 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2018-2019 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2017-2018 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2016-2017 – view
NSS-Photo-Gallery-AY-2015-2016 – view