Industry Institute coordination cell

We are happy to note that Govt. of AP identified 100 Engineering colleges in AP as CM’s Skill Excellence Centers and Geetanjali Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) is one among them. This is done through Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC), in the form of establishing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) lab with 37 high configuration laptops and licensed softer. This is useful to various departments in the college to organize Workshops and Certification courses like python, Internet of Things (IOT), Cloud Architects, Fusion 360 professional, CATIA part design etc…

Industry Institute Coordination Cell (IICC)

APSSDC- CM’s Skill Excellence Centre (CMSEC)

Events Organized – Training Programs

S.No. Academic Year Number of Student Events Organized Number of students Benefited Number of FDPs Organized Number of Faculty Benefited Number of Events Organized Number of participants Benefited
1.      2022-23 14 864 14 864
2.      2021-22 12 801 12 801
3. 2020-21 21 1556 01 125 22 1681
4. 2019-20 10 524 01 38 11 562
5. 2018-19 11 909 02 27 13 936
6. 2017-18 05 282 05 282

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell



E-Yantra Project is an initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with a practical outlook to help provide practical solutions to some of the real-world problems. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) sponsors e-Yantra under the National Mission in Education through ICT (NMEICT) program. IIT Bombay envisages the E-Yantra platform to harness the intellectual talent of young India to create utility based robotic applications for usage across variety of applications such as: agriculture, manufacturing, defence, home, city maintenance and services industries. The overall mission is to grow a rich eco-system of ideas and applications that can propel India’s growth curve and productivity through intelligent funnelling of robotics in daily living built upon an existing pool of knowledge developed by students working on such projects at engineering colleges in the area of embedded systems and robotics.

Benefits to students:

  • Awareness of embedded systems, robotics technology and mechatronics.
  • It provides platform to design, develop, program and test of robots to various applications.
  • Students can participate in national and international robotics competitions.
  • Improve B.Tech projects with help of e-Yantra open source community.
  • Encourage to use robots to solve real life problems.


Fire Bird V 2560

Fire Bird V is designed by NEX Robotics and Embedded Real Time Systems lab, CSE IIT Bombay. Fire Bird V will help you get acquainted with the world of robotics and embedded systems. Fire Bird V Robotic Research Platform provides an excellent environment for experimentation, algorithm development and testing. Its modular architecture allows you to control it using multiple processors such as 8051, AVR and ARM7 etc. Modular sensor pods can be mounted on the platform as dictated by intended applications.

Fire Bird V adopts ‘Open Source Philosophy’ in its software and hardware design. Precision position encoders makes it possible to have accurate position control. Platform can be upgraded to tank drive, Hexapod or any other desired form very easily.

Spark V Robot

Spark V Robot is a low cost robot designed by NEX Robotics with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay. Spark V Robot is based on ATMEGA16A microcontroller and onboard intelligent battery charger. Robot has 3 analog white line sensors, 3 analog IR Proximity sensors, 3 directional light intensity sensors, battery voltage sensing, TSOP1738 IR receiver for TV remote control and Position encoders. Robot has support for 3 MaxBotix EZ series ultrasonic range sensors and support for the servo mounted sensor pod which can be used to make 180 degrees scan for the map making.

Robot has 2×16 alphanumeric LCD, Lots of LED indicators for quick debugging, Buzzer etc. Robot gives top speed of 15cm to 20cm per second depending on the model. Robot has onboard socket for XBee wireless module for multi robot and robot to PC communication. Firmware (.hex file) is loaded on the robot using Bootloader Utility from NEX Robotics.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity
1 FireBird V 2560 4
2 Spark V Robot 5
3 Fire Bird V P89V51RD2 adapter card 4
4 Fire Bird V LPC2148 adapter card 4
5 P89V51RD2 Development Board 2
6 Raspberry-Pi 3 1
7 NRF24L01 2
8 Zigbee Modules 100m range 6
9 Zigbee Modules Adapter 6
10 Metal-gear Servo Motors 10
11 Servo Motor Based Gripper kit 2
12 Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F infrared sensor 5

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) – An Initiative of Ministry of Education 

The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) to systematically promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and start-up culture among higher educational institutions (HEIs) in India. The IIC framework aims to create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and foster a culture of innovation through structured activities.

Functions of the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

  1. Promoting Innovation & Startups: Encouraging students and faculty members to develop innovative ideas and establish startups.
  2. Collaboration & Networking: Building networks with industry, academia, and government bodies to facilitate knowledge-sharing and mentorship.
  3. Capacity Building & Training: Conducting workshops, training programs, and awareness sessions on innovation, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property rights (IPR).
  4. Competitions & Hackathons: Organizing innovation challenges, hackathons, ideathons, and boot camps to foster problem-solving skills.
  5. Monitoring & Evaluation: Assessing the impact of innovation-related initiatives and improving institutional policies accordingly.
  6. Funding & Incubation Support: Facilitating access to grants, seed funding, incubation centers, and venture capital for promising startups.
  7. Integration with National Missions: Aligning innovation efforts with national programs like Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), Startup India, Make in India, and Digital India.

Objectives of the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

  • To create a sustainable innovation ecosystem in educational institutions.
  • To develop an entrepreneurial mind set among students and faculty.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange.
  • To facilitate industry-academia linkages for collaborative innovation.
  • To integrate innovation and start-up culture into the academic framework.
  •   To provide mentorship and guidance for idea validation, prototype development, and commercialization.
  • To align institutional innovation efforts with global best practices and national innovation policies.

Deliverables of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

– Establishment of a structured Innovation & Start-up Policy in the institution.

– Organizing minimum four innovation & entrepreneurship-related activities each academic year.

– Participation in national and international innovation challenges.

– Setting up pre-incubation and incubation facilities within the institution.

– Submission of innovative ideas and prototypes for funding opportunities.

– Building intellectual property (IP) portfolios by supporting patent filings.

– Publishing innovation reports and success stories of start-ups.

– Encouraging students and faculty to engage in technology transfer and commercialization.

Roles & Responsibilities of the Convener of IIC

The Convener is the head of the Institution’s Innovation Council and is responsible for its overall planning, execution, and success.

Key Responsibilities:

– Providing strategic direction and ensuring the smooth functioning of IIC activities.

– Acting as the liaison between the institution, government bodies, and industry partners.

– Identifying and mobilizing resources, including funding and mentorship support.

– Supervising and monitoring the implementation of IIC initiatives.

– Conducting periodic meetings and reviewing the progress of innovation programs.

– Ensuring compliance with Ministry of Education guidelines.

– Encouraging the active participation of faculty and students in innovation-related activities.

– Promoting a culture of entrepreneurship within the institution.

Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty Members in IIC

Faculty members play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring students toward innovation and entrepreneurship.

Key Responsibilities:

– Organizing and conducting workshops, seminars, and training programs on innovation and startups.

– Providing technical and managerial mentorship to students working on innovative projects.

– Encouraging students to participate in hackathons, startup competitions, and innovation challenges.

– Assisting in the development of business models, prototypes, and market strategies.

– Collaborating with industries and start-ups for internships, mentorship, and funding support.

– Supporting students in intellectual property (IP) generation and patent filing.

– Coordinating with the institution’s incubation centre to help students commercialize their ideas.

– Documenting and reporting innovation activities as per IIC guidelines.

Roles & Responsibilities of Student Members in IIC

Student members are the driving force behind the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the institution.

Key Responsibilities:

– Actively participating in innovation programs, competitions, and events.

– Developing and pitching innovative ideas for incubation and funding.

– Engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance creativity and problem-solving skills.

– Contributing to the institution’s innovation ecosystem by initiating new projects.

– Assisting in the organization of workshops, hackathons, and knowledge-sharing sessions.

– Building networking relationships with start-ups, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

– Promoting innovation awareness among peers through student clubs and forums.

– Documenting and sharing success stories to inspire fellow students.

The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) plays a vital role in fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in educational institutions. Through structured policies, programs, mentorship, and networking, IICs empower students and faculty to contribute to the nation’s start up and innovation ecosystem. The success of an IIC depends on the collaborative efforts of conveners, faculty, and students in implementing innovation-driven initiatives that can transform ideas into impactful solutions.

IIC Members:


Name of the Member Member Type

Key Role / Position

1 Dr.Sundeep Kumar K Teaching HOI-President
2 Dr.P.Chakrapani Teaching Vice President
3 Er.G.Shanmugavel Teaching Convener
4 Dr.Ch.Sreenivasa Rao Teaching Start-up Activity coordinator
5 Ms. D. Suma Lalitha Teaching Member
6 Dr.K. Sravan Kumar Teaching NIRF Coordinator
7 Ms. L. Indumathi Devi Teaching Innovation Activity
8 Mr. P.Naga kondaiah Teaching Social Media
9 Mrs.Teesa Davis Teaching Internship Activity Coordinator
10 Mrs.Sk.Rakheeba Teaching IPR Activity Coordinator
11 Mrs.G.Nilima Teaching Member
12 Mr. T. Sunil Student/CSE: 202U1A05B9
13 Mr. G. Hemanth Yadav Student/AI&M: 202U1A3317
14 Mr. SHAIK MUNAF Student/ECE: 232U1A04D8
15 Ms. SK Salma Student/EEE: 202U1A0234
16 Mr. Sk. Sanwar Basha Student/CE: 212U5A0127
17 Mr. S.V. Sai Kiran Vithesh Student/ME: 212U5A0334

Intellectual Property Rights Cell(IPRC)

The intellectual property plays an important role in providing a competitive edge to any Institution. The observable assets like designs and other creative & innovative ideas are more valuable than physical assets. The Institution has a functional IPR Cell, committed to encourage, protect, manage and commercialize Intellectual Property such as Patent, Copyright, Trademark etc., for the benefit of the stakeholders in the college. The Cell creates conducive environment in the academics for the development of Intellectual Property.


  • To create a quality Intellectual knowledgeenvironment in the college.


  • To create an awareness about the intellectual property rights and obligations of the stakeholders.
  • To provide guidance to academic and non-academic staff and studentson IPR.

Long Term Goals

  • Capacity creation in education, training, research and awareness through a multidisciplinary approach.


The major objectives of the IPR cell include:

  • To promote academic freedom and safeguard the interests of inventor in creation and commercialization of intellectual property with legal support wherever necessary.
  • To create an environment for acquiring new knowledge through innovation, develop an attitude of prudent IP management practices
  • To promote an IPR culture compatible with the educational mission of the institute.
  • To work in co-ordination with the Department of R&D Cell and IICC
  • To engage in conduct IP workshops/ seminars.
  • To advise and guide the students and faculty on the importance of IPR
  • To participate in / arrange periodic meeting of faculty members along with concerned people for identifying patentable inventions.fds
  • To identify and forward eligible cases of IPR

Importance of IPR

It is necessary to protect the Intellectual property in order to enable the organizations to earn recognition or financial benefits. Governments of various countries protect the innovative ideas of the inventors through Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). IPR is steadily gaining grounds in several developed and developing countries. The rationale for this IPR lies in the need to create awareness about the importance of IPRs as a marketable financial asset and economic tool among the researchers, faculty and students of the College.

The GIST-Intellectual Property Rights Cell (GIST- IPRC)is constituted with the following faculty members :

S.No Name Designation/ Dept Position in IPR Cell
1 Dr. Shaik Mahaboob Basha HoD /R&D Advisory member
2 Dr. P Chakrapani HoD /IICC Advisory member
3 Dr. R Solomon Roach Professor /ECE Convenor
4 Dr. Y Pavan Kumar Reddy Assoc. Professor/CSE Member
5 Dr. D Raja Reddy Assoc. Professor/EEE Member
6 Dr. P Krishna Reddy Assoc. Professor/S&H Member
7 Mr. M Mahendra Babu Assoc. Professor/ME Member
8 Mr. P Sai Pradeep Asst. Professor/CE Member

Functional MOU’s With Institution/ Industry/ Corporate House

Academic Year 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
No. of Functional MOU’s 17 20 17 11 11

Mou-2022-23 – view

Mou-2021-22 – view

Mou-2020-21 – view

Industry Visits – Consolidated 

Department 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
Count Students Count Students Count Students Count Students
CE 1 33 01 98 1 68
EEE 1 40 01 62 1 50
ME 01 20 2 112
ECE 1 123 01 89 3 243
CSE 02 117
TOTAL 03 196 05 288 01 98 7 473

List of Events or Activity Organised



2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19


Count Students Count Students Count Students Count Students Count Students Count Students
CE 20 50 12 51 1 16 1 7
EEE 09 53 03 158 04 40  1* 42 5 32 1 5
ME 01 56 08 59 01 20 4 15 1 2
ECE 16 304 01 138 03 197  1* 96 10 93 13 56
CSE 13 131 06 203 03 93 1 22 06 83 3 25
AIML(CSM) 10 69
TOTAL 69 663 30 609 11 350 3 176 26 233 18 88

*Common internship

Internships Organised for-AY-2022-23 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2021-22 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2020-21 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2019-20 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2018-19 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2017-18 – view

Internships Organised for-AY-2016-17 – view

Contact Details

Dr. Pala Chakarapani , MBA(Marketing & Finance)  PhD (Marketing)

Head of the Department

Industry Institute Coordination Cell(IICC)
Associate Professor in Management
Geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology
3rd Mile, Bombay Highway,
Gangavaram(v), Kovur (m),
S.P.S.R. Nellore Dt
Andhra Pradesh
Contact :- 9490810183 , 7989494116
email :-