Report on C/C++

Report on C/C++



Report on C/C++

C/ C++ workshop organized by IITBombay on 15 Feb 2020 in Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology for the faculty of department of Computer Science and Engineering. This workshop is an initiative of fossee both funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, GOI. The workshop was addressed by Prof. Bhaskaran Raman, Prof. KameswariChebrolu, Prof. VarshaApte from IIT Bombay.  The workshop is coordinated by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) and PanditMadan Mohan MalaviyaNational Mission on Teachers and Teaching. Around 17 faculty attended the workshop.

Following is the Course Content offered:

Basic Level

  1. First C Program
  2. First C++ Program
  3. Tokens in C and C++
  4. Functions in C and C++
  5. Scope of Variables in C and C++
  6. If And Else If statement in C and C++
  7. Nested if and switch statement in C and C++
  8. Increment and Decrement Operators in C and C++
  9. Arithmetic Operators in C and C++
  10. Relational Operators in C and C++
  11. Logical Operators in C and C++
  12. Loops in C and C++

Intermediate level

  1. Arrays in C and C++
  2. Working with 2-D Arrays in C and C++
  3. Strings in C and C++
  4. String Library Functions in C and C++
  5. Working with Structures in C and C++
  6. Understanding Pointers in C and C++
  7. Function call in C and C++
  8. File Handling in C