A Report On Six Day’s Workshop at GIST On Problem Solving & Programming in PYTHON

A Report On Six Day’s Workshop at GIST On Problem Solving & Programming in PYTHON



A Report On

Six Day’s Workshop at GIST On

Problem Solving & Programming in PYTHON


Six Day’s workshop on ‘Problem Solving & Programming in Python’ was successfully conducted under the joint auspices of department of Computer Science &Engineering and APSSDC in association with CSI at Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology from 23rd   to 28th September 2019.

The workshop was organized with the objective of promoting the awareness and skills among the III year students about Python. Mr. B. Vijay Kumar and Mr. K. Harideep the trainers from APSSDC, explained each and every concept related to Python Programming Concepts.

Dr. N. Sudheer, Mr. R. Sivaiah ably supervised the proceedings of the event.

Duration of workshop: 23-09-2019 to 28-09-2019.

Number of students Participated: 39

Workshop Coordinators:

  1. Dr. N. Sudheer,Associate Professor,CSE
  2. Mr. R. Sivaiah, Assistant Professor, CSE

Session Speakers:

1. Mr. B. Vijay Kumar

2. Mr. K. Harideep

Feedback Report:

Six Day’s Workshop “Problem Solving & Programming in Python’” held from 23-09-2019 to 28-09-2018 by the Trainers from APSSDC brings a good response from III CSE students. The students responded to the workshop positively. They said that the workshop and practicing activities were very effective. The workshop was organized with the objective of promoting the awareness and skills among the III year students about Python Programming. The trainers Mr. B. Vijay Kumar and Mr. K. Harideep handling the sessions are very interactive and effective.  The students said that they gain the knowledge from Problem Solving & Programming in Python workshop.  Extensive lab work concerning the topic was accomplished by the students, with the help of trainers. Their interactions with students were appreciable.