Pink Ribbon Walk, the Walk against Breast Cancer

Pink Ribbon Walk, the Walk against Breast Cancer: A Report



Pink Ribbon Walk, the Walk against Breast Cancer: A Report

A health awareness programme   “Pink Ribbon Walk, the Walk against Breast Cancer” was held at Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology on 10-10-2015 to bring awareness among students & faculty about breast cancer. The programme was coordinated by Ms. N. Bharathi, Asst. Professor of CIVIL department and Ms. SK. M. Shahina Asst. Professor of ECE department. Around 158 girl students and 32 women faculty have actively participated in the event. The event was graced by the guest of honour Dr. M. Usha and she initially focused on creating awareness about importance of early detection of breast cancer, salute survivors and their families in their fight against breast cancer and most most importantly to spread the message of hope, courage and survival in the fight against breast cancer. The Chief guest Dr. M. Usha, said, “To win the war on breast cancer, women of all ages must report to their doctor if there are any new changes noticed in the breast. All women must get an annual screening mammogram from the age of 40.” The programme turned out to be a major successful event, imparting lot of awareness Pink Ribbon Walk.