One-Week Hands on Training in Python Programming

One-Week Hands on Training in Python Programming



A Report


 “One-Week Hands on Training in Python Programming”


One-week “Hands on training in Python programming” course code: 16ECVAC04 was organized for B.Tech III Year ECE students by the department of ECE in association with IETE, Tirupati and AMPHISOFT Technologies, Coimbatore at NB-103,104,105 from 12th to 18th February 2020. Ms.Suganya, Ms.P.Indhuja from AMPHISOFT Technologies, Coimbatore were the technical trainers for this tarining. Total 128 students were participated in this workshop. This workshop aimed to provide a strong hold in base of python programming.

The HoD of ECE department, Dr. Sk. Mahaboob Basha gave welcome note to the B.Tech III year ECE students about python programming and its related fields where opportunities are abundant in the industry.

The training resource person Ms.Suganya, initially focused on fundamental concepts of base of python programming. The training comprises of a series of lectures and practical exercises. The students got a chance to learn in depth about python programming which in turn helps them to apply it in practice or as a foundation to a deeper study in this area.

In detailed demonstrations were given on various Applications and techniques like Unsupervised learning and Supervised learning, ensemble learning. The session turned out to be a major successful event, imparting lot of knowledge about python programming and its Applications. At the end of the session principal Dr.G.Subba Rao had interacted with the trainers and distributed mementos to the trainers of Amphisoft technologies and certificates to the trainees of III year ECE students. Vote of thanks was delivered by the VAC coordinator Mr.G.Kiran Kumar at the end of interactive session.