National Women’s Day

Report on National Women’s Day




Date: 08-03-2015

Academic year: 2014-2015

Venue: GIST Campus

No of Participants: 74 members from various branches

As a gesture of creating a congenial ambience for women to freely express their creative talents and diverse skills, Geethanjali Institute of Science in all grandeur celebrated “Women’s Day” on 08-03-2015. The program started at 10 am. Prof. Dr. G. Subba Rao garu was invited as chief guest to preside over the function. The chief guest was accompanied by the secretary and correspondent N.Sudhakar reddy garu. The lady members of the faculty along with the girls have gathered in Old Seminar Hall to exclusively show case their multiple talents.

The chief guest Prof. Dr. G .Subba rao was addressed the role and importance of women in present modern society. There were songs; dances and a variety of cultural programmes were conducted to lady faculty members and girl students.