Awareness Programme on Women in India & Their Mental Health

Awareness Programme on Women in India & Their Mental Health



Report on “Awareness Programme on Women in India & Their Mental Health”

“Women in India & their mental health was organized by the Internal Complaint Committee (WPC) of Geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology on 16/10/2014. The programme was coordinated by Ms. V.Gayatri, Asst. Professor of CSE department and Ms.  M. Gayatri Assistant Professor of S & H department. Totally 110 girl students and 32 women faculty were attended. The event resource person initially focused on the gender roles, vulnerabilities of women, violence and abuse of women and consequent suicides, several categories of mental ill health and also on how these conditions can be improved. The programmed proved fruitful in bringing to light several of the atrocities committed against women causing psychological complexes and the remedial measures to be adopted including medical and legal redressal. The programme turned out to be a major successful event, imparting lot of awareness about women in India & their mental health.