A Three day workshop on LabVIEW

A Three day workshop on LabVIEW



A Three day workshop on LabVIEW

A Three day workshop on LabVIEW was organized for B.Tech III Year ECE students by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 25th to 27th OCT 2018 in association with APITA.  Initially the trainer started the workshop with LabVIEW introduction and its related fields where the opportunities are abundant in the industry. The workshop was interactive and had both theory and practical sessions.

On the first day, introduction about virtual instrumentation and graphical system design was given. Different types of controls and indicators were introduced. On the first day of workshop basics of LabVIEW, programming using structures, arrays, clusters, numeric, Boolean etc were discussed. The students practiced basic programs like Fibonacci series, Matrix multiplication, Sorting and De-sorting arrays.

On the Second day of workshop, File input output processing was covered. Logic circuits like Half-adder, Full-adder, 4:1 Multiplexer, Counters, Shift registers etc and Amplitude modulation were executed using LabVIEW. Some assignments using Water tank and timer were given by the trainer and executed by the students.

On the Last day of workshop, overview of a DAQ system (Data acquisition HW and SW) was given. Digital signal parameters like digital output (line), LED with square wave, traffic light using LEDs, port digital output, tank filling using switch as trigger were executed using LabVIEW DAQ system. Finally, the workshop ends by introducing NI myRIO which is an embedded hardware device designed specifically to help students design real, complex engineering systems more quickly and affordably than ever before.