Student Association Coordination Cell


Student Association is a brain child of the Geethanjali institute of science and technology which is intended for multidimensional technical /non technical skill development among students.

Various Departments had proposed to establish their department association for the refinement of students to enrich their professional growth in a continuously improving environment.

Functions of SACC

  • To encourage the student creativity, motivation and team work through co curricular development programs.
  • To organize various technical /non technical co curricular competitions to excavate the competency among the students.
  • To provide economical/financial support to organize the events/activities by the student association.

SACC Institutional Functioning

  • SACC will coordinate co curricular activities by the various department student associations.
  • Delivers the plans and schedules to organize the co curricular activities.
  • Supports the co curricular activities through funding.
  • Provides amenities and facilities for smooth organizing of the activities.


  1. One room for the student association cell to discuss about the activities.
  2. Notice notices boards are available to the both sides of the room for pasting / keeping circulars, updating the event photos, press clippings, Year Planners etc.,
  3. Posters of vision and mission of the institute on the wall of the room
  4. Having a good number of chairs and space to discuss / conduct the committee meetings.

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities of the convener

  • To plan activities of all the department associations.
  • To conduct the meetings related to student association cell.
  • To co ordinate the all department secretaries and supervising the co curricular activities in their department.
  • To prepare the minutes of the meeting and summary of events preparation year wise.

Roles and Responsibilities of Department Secretary

  • To plan the co curricular activities of their department in sync with their department regular activities.
  • To prepare the circulars and schedules of the activities/events.
  • Motivating & encouraging the students of the department to participate/ register in various co curricular activities.
  • To allot the activity coordinator for each activity in association with their Department HoD.
  • To organize department association meetings and preparation of minutes.
  • To keep records, summary and documentations of all the events or activities organized.
  • To upload the events organized data in to the website and maintenance of screenshots.

Roles and Responsibilities of Activity coordinator

  • Motivating the students and registering the students to the stated activity.
  • Recording of the events and preparation of documents of the organized

events/ activities i.e. registration forms, winners list, feedback forms.

  • To prepare the report of the event or activity which they had organized.
  • To collect the feedback and preparation of feedback analysis, forwarding the same to the HOD & convenor of their respective department for refinement  the events.

Roles and Responsibilities of student member

  • To motivate the fellow students to participate in the co curricular activity.
  • To act as a organizer & volunteer to the activity and participant in that event.
  • To provide feedback on the organized event/activity.

Committee Members


1. Dr.G.SubbaRao Principal Chairman
2. Mr.G.Kiran Kumar Asso.Professor Convenor&Secretary ECE
3. Ms.K.Sukeerthi Asst.Proessor Secretary CSE
4. Mr.D.Murali Asst.Proessor Secretary EEE
5. Mr.E.Bhaskar Asst.Proessor Secretary ME
6. Ms.D.Karthik Asst.Proessor Secretary CE
7. Ms.V.Gayathri Asso.Proessor Activity coordinator, CSE
8. Mr.K.Naveen Asst.Proessor Activity coordinator, ECE
9. Mr..P.NagaKondaiah Asst.Proessor Activity coordinator, EEE
10. Mr.K.R.Sridhar Asst.Proessor Activity coordinator, ME
11. Mr. Chandrasekhar Asst.Proessor Activity coordinator, CE
12. Mr.G.Sravya-172U1A0421 Student Student Member ECE
13. Mr.S.Aditya-172U1A0441 Student Student Member ECE
14. Mr.Sk. Kamal Basheer 172U1A0168 Student Student Member CE
15. Ms.A. Lakshmi Kavya 172U1A0102 Student Student Member CE
16. Ms.M.Charishma -172U1A0227 Student Student Member EEE
17. Mr.B.Bhargav 182U1A0206 Student Student Member EEE
18. Mr.A.SriBhargavi 172U1A0501 Student Student Member CSE
19. Mr.A.VenkataAswini -182U1A0501 Student Student Member CSE
20. Mr.P. Spurgeon-172U1A0333 Student Student Member ME
21. Mr.K.Prasanth- 182U1A0380 Student Student Member ME

Activities organized by various DSA

AY 2020-2021

S.No Name of the event Department  Association Date of activity No of students registered
1.  Quiz competition VOE ECE 14/10/2020 60
2.  Tech seminar presentation VOE ECE 11/02/2021 52
3. Elocution EEA  EEE 05-01-2021 30
4. Group discussion EEA  EEE 18-02-2021 33
5. Quiz EEA EEE 16-12-2020 28
6.   Online Quiz VOICE CSE 25-09-2020 20 (Teams)
7.   Online Poster Presentation VOICE CSE 10-03-2021 45
8. Group Discussion GRACE CE 26/09/2020 45
9.   Online Quiz GRACE CE 14/06/2021 56
10   Online Quiz Competition GAME ME 17-08-2020 16(Teams)
11   Online Technical Syposium GAME ME 09-04-2021 48


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photo gallery with description



SACC Review Meeting and Brainstorming Session by Dept. Secretaries at EB-106 on 22-10-2020



Student Activities at Various Departmental Competitions

Department Student Association and Activities


CE                  CSE               ECE                     EEE                  ME