Industry Institute Coordination Cell (IICC)
A.Y:: 2020-21
Events or Activity Organised – Internships
S No. | Name of the faculty | Name of the event/training | Name of the organisation/ industry |
Resource person |
Course /Class | Date/s | No. of participants |
1. | Ms. V. Gayatri | Android Application Development / Data Scienceand Web Development | Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) | Mr. SV Krishna Pattapagala
Ms. Devi Anusha Neelapu |
II CSE | 24-05-2021
to 24-07-2021
23 |
2. | Ms. V. Gayatri | Data Science Using Python | Assistive Technology |
Mr. Sk. Azad |
IV CSE | 01-08-2020
to 31-08-2020 |
40 |
3. | Mr. Y.V. Ramesh | AI-ML
EduSkills foundation | Mr. Shiva
Project Manager |
III CSE | 01-10-2021
to 31-12-2021 |
30 |
4. | Mr. K. Chandra Sekhar | Embedded Systems | Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) | Mr. MacharlaUmamaheswara Rao
Mr. Ch.Srihari Mr. Sk.M.Taz Basha
III ECE | 12-07-2021
to 21 08-2021 |
123 |
5. | Mr. K. Chandra Sekhar | Study on Manufacturing Modules | Sunny Opotech India Private Limited
Mr. Joey | IV ECE | 15-03-2021
to 16-16-2021 |
26 |
6. | Mr. K. Chandra Sekhar | AI-ML
EduSkills foundation | Mr. Shiva
Project Manager |
III ECE | 01-10-2021
to 31-12-2021 |
48 |
7. | Ms. Ch. Silpi Priyanka | Manufacturing of Camera Modules | Sunny Opotech India Private Limited
Mr. Joey |
IV EEE | 15-03-2021
to 15-06-2021
04 |
8. | Ms. Ch. Silpi Priyanka | Manufacturing of Camera Modules | Sunny Opotech India Private Limited
Mr. Joey |
IV EEE | 22-03-2021 to 01-09-2021 | 03 |
9. | Dr. T. Ravi Kumar | Transformer Manufacturing | Weber India Infra Power (OPC) PVT LTD
T.Mahidhar |
III EEE | 05-01-2021
to 07-02-2021
13 |
10. | Ms. Ch. Silpi Priyanka | RPA virtual internship | EduSkills foundation | Mr. Shiva
Project Manager |
III EEE | 01-10-2021
to 31-12-2021 |
20 |
11. | Ms. G. Nilima
Study on Working Machines | Sunny Opotech India Private Limited
Mr. Joey |
IV ME | 15-03-2021
to 15-06-2021
20 |