World Space Week-2017

World Space Week-2017




The “World Space Week Celebrations-2017” by Satish Dhawan Space Centre ISRO, Sriharikota were organized with great pomp gaiety and fanfare at GIST on 9th,10th October 2017 which evoked  an overwhelming  response from the students, parents from all over the district over 8000 students were estimated to be present at the celebrations, which served to ignite the scientific temper in the young minds and created an awareness among the students and the general public about the spectacular achievements made by India in space technology since 1975.

The first day session was inaugurated by SHAR scientists, Mr N.Srikanth and Mr N.Sreenivasulu Reddy, who urged the students, to develop practical thinking and spirit of enquiry to widen their intellectual horizons. Mr. N.Srikanth enumerated the outstanding achievements that SHAR has made for the last four decades. Mr N. Sreenivaslu reddy, elucidated the chief objective of the world space week celebrations and sought the students to keep the rural masses abreast of the benefits of space technology.

In connection with the first day event, Essay Writing, Elocution and Written Quiz contest were conducted for the high school students on space technology related topics. The video presentation concerning India’s success story in space technology, and the exhibition of model satellites and launch vehicles designed by SHAR were the main attractions of the event.

In the second day’s valedictory event, Mr. M. Badri Narayana murthy, Associate Director Sathish Dhawan Space Centre said that India looked up to the developed countries for the technical help in space technology but now achieved self-reliance compared to developed  country. India developed capabilities to manufacture cheaper and better quality technological infrastructure to carryout experimentation and research in space. Throwing light on the uses of space technology, he said that sudden changes occurring in the environmental conditions, accurate weather forecast, and disasters and natural calamities could be properly assessed through the vital role played by space technology. In connection with the event Extempore Talk contest was held on the second day.

Dr. A Jagadeesh, Director, Nayudamma Center for Development of Alternatives another guest of honor, addressing the huge gathering of the students advised them to come up with innovative and creative ideas to boost up and bolster the efforts being made by ISRO in the expansion of space technology and made a specific reference to engineering students, who could excel and built their carrier if they opted for space technology as their carrier option. He called upon the students to carry the benefits of space technology to the door step of the rural masses and explain the advantages of satellite communications to the common people.

Dr. G. Subba rao principal in his welcome address briefly outlined the objectives behind the conduct of such a mighty programme. Mr. N. Sudhakar Reddy expressed his happiness and satisfaction over the tremendous response the event has evoked from the students as well as the general public from various parts of the district. Prize distributions ceremony took place in the evening. Programming Coordinator, Mr. P. Raghava Reddy, Asst coordinator Sri Prof. G. Sathish Paul, HOD’s, faculty and technical staff took part in the event.