Social welfare programme to 10th Students

A Report on Social welfare programme to 10th Students



Geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology has organized a “Social welfare programme to 10th Students” on 08thDec 2018. Our principal has addressed the throngs of students about why appearing for exams without stress is important and how to do it. School childen came to our college.and explained to them abot free minded when exams will come soon. BC welfare programmer attended to this program.and they speaks about without stress in exams preparation.

Our principal Tips for a Stress Free Exam

After the session with principal sir strated the first question which was asked was about self-confidence.


principal said that self-confidence comes through constant practice and challenging ourselves. When going to school, remove this from your mind that someone else is taking your exam or marking you, remember that you are the one taking your exam and you will be the only one who would determine your future course of action.


On the topic of concentration he said that we all concentrate on something. It could be reading or listening to song or any other thing which we might find interesting. He advocated Yoga as a beneficial way to improve concentration.


On the topic of competition, he said that every individual is unique and has their own strengths. He or she said that a sportsperson is never asked what were his marks in school. The problem arises when we don’t know ourselves. Instead of competing with others, we should compete with ourselves. When we compete with ourselves, we become more productive.

On Parents’ Role

On this question the PM said that students should try to understand that parents want the best for their children. To parents he said that they should not make this a question of status and do not pressurize their kids into something only beacuse other children are doing it. They should recognize, their child’s strength and skill and be proud of them instead of comparing them with what other kids achieve.