International Women’s Day

Report on-“International Women’s Day”



Report on-“International Women’s Day”

The Internal Complaint Committee of Geethanjali Institute of science & Technology, has organized a special programme to commemorate the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2017. All the speakers lauded the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women in the last three decades and felt that the day is also a reminder of their responsibility to achieve gender equality. Prof.Y.Jahnavi Professor of CSE, who is the president of the function, advised women to scale new heights in all the aspects of life. Another speaker Ms.K.Vijaya emphasized the need to be conscious of their rights and assert them. She said that women should fight against the gender discrimination and help rural women to make them literate.

Prof Dr. G.SubbaRao principal, who is the Chief Guest of the function, in his message said that woman is the life giver to the whole human race and it is the responsibility of everyone to give her a respectable status and honor in society. He advised women to empower themselves without waiting for any external agency to help them. He lauded the modern women as they are prospering equally well along with men and competing with men in all fields., and another senior women faculty said that whenever women rights are violated by legal regulations they must be protected by women themselves. She cited various laws that are enacted in favor of women and asked the women to utilize and protect them. The Women Protection Cell member M.Gayatri, in her speech said that thought process of women should change and each woman should respect other woman. MsD.Swaroopa, AsstProfessor, Dept.ofS&Hwelcomed the guests. Ms. N.Vasanthiintroduced the guests to the audience. Ms.B. Anuradha, Asst-prof, proposed vote of thanks.