Anti-Ragging Committee
Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology maintains a healthy and congenial academic environment for the students. The institution offers protection to the new entrants from the menace of ragging. Ragging is defined as: Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or indiscipline activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or any other student or asking the student to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or any other student. Ragging in the college is absolutely banned and, hence, any student found indulging in an act of ragging shall meet strict disciplinary action, which may include immediate rustication from the college apart from criminal consequences.
In this regard our Institute has constituted an Anti-Ragging Cell. The cell is headed by Head of the institution, along with several other committee members comprising of senior faculties. Anti-Ragging members and Anti Ragging Bus In charges have been deputed from all departments to monitor students discipline both inside the campus and on board.
- To build self-esteem & dignity among junior boys and girls students.
- Class wise Mentoring Cells, Anti ragging Sub committees (involving faculty, non teaching staff and students) and Anti Ragging Squads shall be formed in due course to distribute the responsibilities.
- To offer services such as counseling, legal aid in case of atrocities against women.
- To createsawarenessregarding women rights. To address complaints about ragging as per the Govt. and University procedures.
- To avoid and prohibit sexual harassment at workplace
- To ensure overall disciplined environment in the College.
- To initiate timely action against erring students.
- To sensitize students about the evils of ragging and its prevention in the College. Campus by organizing talks/ programs etc.
- To maintain records of the cases investigated and submit the same to the IQAC Committee.
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles & Responsibilities of the Chairman
To create self-confidence and congenial environment among the newly admitted students by way of conducting frequent interactive sessions to clear the doubts related to academic matters, social interaction and compatibility.
Roles & Responsibilities of Convener
Based on the first hand information and prime-facie evidence, the convener submits report to the Principal for necessary disciplinary action. Severe punishment will be recommended on the accused, if proven.
Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty Members
Faculty is deputed at various locations inside the college campus to monitor the student activities. Members sees that no student groups are formed and if any are observed, the group is dispersed to avoid any nuisance. The punishment for ragging is displayed at various places to make the students aware of seriousness of the administration for preventing ragging. To conduct an enquiry and identify the culprits on receipt of complaint.
Rules & Regulations for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging
The All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi vide its Notification no. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 25-03-2009 has taken a very serious view of ragging incidences in educational institutions and on Directions of the Honorable Supreme Court of India vide its Order dated 16.5.2007 has ordered strict implementation of following rules & regulations for Prevention and prohibition of Ragging in technical Institutions.
Various Types of Ragging
The Honorable Supreme Court has, inter-alia, mentioned the following types of ragging:-
- Ragging has several aspects with, among others, psychological, social, political, economic, cultural, and academic dimensions.
- Any act that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of a student should be considered within the academics related aspect of ragging; similarly, exploiting the services of a junior student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of seniors is also an aspect of academics related ragging prevalent in many institutions, particularly in the technical institutions.
- Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a junior student by senior students should be considered an aspect of ragging for ragging economic dimensions.
- Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse,homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestured, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person can be put in the category of ragging with criminal dimensions.
- Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, snail-mails, blogs, public insults should be considered within the psychological aspects of ragging. This aspect would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to others; the absence of preparing freshers in the run up to their admission to higher education and life in hostels also can be ascribed as a psychological aspect of ragging –coping skills in interaction with seniors or strangers can be impacted by parents as well. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of students also can be described in terms of the psychological aspects of ragging.
- The human rights perspective of ragging involves the injury caused to the fundamental right to human dignity through humiliation heaped on junior students by seniors; often resulting in the extreme step of suicide by the victims. Actions to be taken against students for indulging and abetting in Ragging in technical institutions Universities including
Deemed to be University imparting technical education
- The punishment to be meted out to the persons indulged in ragging has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such incidents. The students who are found to be indulged in ragging should be debarred from taking admission in any technical institution in India.
- Every single incident of ragging a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed without exception by the institutional authorities with the local police authorities.
- Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution, the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination of the following.
(i) Cancellation of admission
(ii) Suspension from attending classes
(iii) Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits
(iv) Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process
(v) Withholding results
(vi) Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc. Suspension/expulsion from the hostel
(vii) Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters
(viii) Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
(ix) Fine of Rupees 25,000/-
(x) Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential ragger.
- The institutional authority shall intimate the incidents of ragging occurred in their premises along with actions taken to the Council immediately after occurrence of such incident and inform the status of the case from time to time.
- Courts should make an effort to ensure that cases involving ragging are taken up on priority basis to send the correct message that ragging is not only to be discouraged but also to be dealt with sternness.
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Phone No. |
1 | Dr. K. SUNDEEP KUMAR | Principal | 9845225038 |
2 | Dr. TNVLN KUMAR | Prof. EEE | 9246422864 |
3 | Mr. Sk. ASIFF | Assoc. Prof. CSE | 9642767747 |
4 | Mr. MURALI DASARI | Assoc. Prof. EEE | 8897197709 |
5 | Mr. Y. MURALI KRISHNA | Asst. Prof. MEC | 9951704605 |
6 | Dr. P. MOHANA KISHORE | Prof. & HoD S&H | 9490142012 |
7 | Dr. PALA CHAKRAPANI | Prof. & HoD IICC | 9490810183 |
8 | Mr. M. MAHENDRA BABU | Assoc. Prof. MEC | 9492603938 |
9 | Mr. Sk. AVEZ | Asst. Prof. S&H | 9000776177 |
10 | Dr. N. PADMA SRAVYA | Prof. & HoD MEC | 8074360626 |
11 | Dr. T. RAVIKUMAR | Prof. & HoD EEE | 9966222475 |
12 | Mr. P. UMA SAI KRISHNA | Assoc. Prof. & HoD CIV | 9703585888 |
13 | Dr. P. NAGENDRA KUMAR | Assoc. Prof. CSM | 9959693954 |
14 | Dr. U. PENCHALAIAH | Assoc. Prof. & HoD ECE | 8667396455 |
15 | Dr. V. GAYATRI | Assoc. Prof. & HoD CSE | 9248048027 |
16 | Mr. P. ASHOK KUMAR | Physical Director | 9948846144 |
17 | Mr.SAI PRASAD REDDY.T | Assoc. Prof. & HoD CSC | 7093349436 |
18 | Mr. SREEDHAR .Ch | Librarian | 9490236461 |
19 | Mr. SURESH KUMAR . P | A.0 | 9912445846 |
1 | Dr. K. Sundeep Kumar, Principal , Chairman |
2 | Dr. TNVLN Kumar, Dean. (A&SA) Convenor |
3 | Dr. V. Gayathri, HoD- CSE- Secretary |
4 | Dr. R. Rajani, Prof. CSE- It.Secretary |
5 | Dr. P.Nagendra Kumar, HoD Assoc. Prof CSM – Member |
6 | Mr. Sai Prasad Reddy Thupili, HoD & Assoc. Prof. in CSC |
7 | Dr. T. Ravikumar, Prof. & HoD in EEE – Member |
8 | Dr. N. Padma Sravya, Prof. & HoD — Mech., – Jt. Secretary |
9 | Dr. U. Penchalaiah, Assoc. Prof. & HoD — ECE – It. Secretary |
10 | Dr. Mohana Kishore P, Prof. & HoD S&H – Jt. Secretary |
11 | Mr. P.Uma Sai Krishna, Asst. Prof. & HoD Civil – Member |
12 | Dr. K. Vijay, Assoc. Prof. S & H – Member |
13 | Dr. P. Chakrapani, HoD – IICC – Member |
14 | Mr. M. Mahendra Babu, Assoc. Prof., Mech & Principal (A) |
15 | Dr. G. Siva Kumar, Asst. Prof S & H – Member |
16 | Mr. Sk. Avez, Asst. Prof S & H – Member |
17 | Mr. S. Venkateswarlu, Asst. Prof. S & H Member |
18 | Mr. Gangadhara Rao Jakkula, Asst. Prof S & H – Member |
19 | Ms. M Gayatri, Assoc. Prof., S&H – Member |
20 | Mr. K. Srinivasulu Reddy, Asst. Prof S & H – Member |
21 | Mr. Suresh Kumar Piduru, A.O – Member |
22 | Dr. Sravan Kumar Kaliki, Assoc. Prof ECE – Member |
23 | Mr. Suresh Gunapati, Assoc. Prof ECE – Member |
24 | Dr.Ch. Amarnath Sharma, Assoc. Prof ECE – Member |
25 | Mr. P. Ashok Kumar, Physical Director – Member |
26 | Mr. A. Hari Krishna , Asst. Prof ECE – Member |
27 | Ms. Prasanthi Eduru, Asst. Prof. ECE – Member |
28 | Mr. P.Sukumar , Asst. Prof. ECE – Member |
29 | Mr. Murali Dasari, Assoc. Prof EEE – Member |
30 | Mr. P.Naga Kondaiah, Assoc. Prof EEE – Member |
31 | Mr. Seenaiah Gali, Asst. Prof EEE – Member |
32 | Mr. Y. Muralikrishna, Asst. Prof M |
33 | Mr. Vasa Ramu, Assoc. Prof. Mech – Member |
34 | Mr. Rahamath Basha Shaik, Asst. Prof. Mech – Member |
35 | Mr. P.Anil Kumar, Asst. Prof. Mech – Member |
36 | Mr. Sk. Abdul Raheem , Asst. Prof. Mech – Member |
37 | Mr. Yanamala Venkataramesh, Asst. Prof CSE – Member |
38 | Ms. V. Bharathi, Assoc. Prof CSE – Member |
39 | Mr. Sk. Asiff, Assoc. Prof CSE – Member |
40 | Mr. Dampuru Ramesh, Asst. Prof CSE – Member |
41 | Mr. U. Satyanarayana, Asst. Prof CSE – Member |
42 | Mr. Konduru BalaKrishna, Asst. Prof CSE – Member |
43 | Mr. K. Ramana Reddy, Asst. Prof Civil – Member |
44 | Ms. P. Bhanusri, Asst. Prof Civil – Member |
45 | Mr. V. Radha Krishna, Asst. Prof Civil – Member |
46 | Mr. P. Sudhakar, Asst. Prof S & H – Member |
47 | Mr. T. Kartheek Reddy, Asst. Prof Civil – Member |
48 | Mr. P. Babu (EO), Member |
49 | Mr. Shaik Rasool, Sr. Assist, Member |
50 | Mr. N. Srinivasulu, (Cashier), Member |
51 | Mr. Shaik Muneer, Jr. Asst. Member |
52 | Mr. Sreedhar Choragudi, Librarian, Member |
53 | B. Jagadeesh , Asst. Prof. Mech – M |